Pesticides Revisited

I am working with a friend to share her amazing testimonial to the power of healthy eating. Check back soon to see the dramatic results! And if you’ve made any changes in your diet or lifestyle that have played a role in your health and would like to share, just shoot me an email! I’d love to post it! We could all use some inspiration! It can be a change in your weight, your skin, your labs, or even just noting changes in your mood or energy levels! If you noticed it, I want to hear about it! 🙂

But for now, I found this wonderful little graphic (remember the cute one about your toilet tellings?!) This one is about pesticides on produce. I posted a little while back about the Environmental Working Group’s lists of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen, but I think this is just a fantastic visual to go with it!

So may it be a better teacher for you visual learners 🙂

Happy eating!

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